
We Got Married!

The day we had been eagerly anticipating finally arrived - our wedding day! It was a magical blend of love, laughter, and unforgettable memories that we will cherish forever. Here’s a glimpse into our special day.

The Preparation

The excitement started early in the morning. We gathered with our closest friends and family, who helped us get ready for the big moment.

Bridal Preparation

Michelle, Claire, Melody, Yanni, and Tarika

The bride looked stunning and the air was filled with joy and anticipation as everyone prepared for the ceremony.

Bride in Wedding Dress

My beautiful wife Melody

The Ceremony

The ceremony was held in the courtyard of the Jacuzzi Winery in Sonoma, CA. The weather was perfect, with a gentle breeze adding to the romantic atmosphere.

Wedding Ceremony

Gratuitous winery glamour shot

Our wedding day was everything we had hoped for and more. It was a perfect start to our journey together, surrounded by the love and support of our family and friends.

We are excited for the future and the many adventures that await us as a married couple.

The Future

Melody and I headed into an unknown future together

If you want to stay updated with our journey, please subscribe to our mailing list (coming soon)!

Nicholas Vincent-Hill

Nicholas Vincent-Hill

Software engineer, trader, and amateur chef

About the Author